What Should You Know Before Going to Court for a Family Intervention Order?


The present COVID-19 confinement limitations may reveal and expand fractures in family connections and home dynamics that have been lurking beneath the surface for some time. Family violence can be exacerbated by a loss of money, increased alcohol intake and social isolation.

If you've been served with a family violence safety notice, an interim family violence intervention order or an application for a family violence intervention order, there are a few things you should know to create the process of getting a family violence intervention order is a little less intimidating:

Go to the court.

If you do not appear in court as an applicant requesting protection, your application will likely be dismissed.
If you are a respondent to an application and fail to appear in court, an order will be imposed against you. You'll also miss out on the chance to negotiate the terms of a final order so that you'll be able to comply with them simply.

Know what your case is on the docket for.

Among the first things the best family lawyers in Melbourne will ask you while providing first counsel is, "What is your matter filed for?" Court dates aren't the same. If you're in court for a family violence intervention order and the case is adjourned, pay attention to the hearing the case is scheduled for. What is the difference between directions hearing and contested hearing? Your affordable family lawyers Melbourne will walk you through each of these phases in the court process and tell you what to assume during your next court date.

Be specific about what you want to get.

A family violence intervention order application can have various outcomes. If an interim or final order is issued, the court has the authority to impose a variety of restrictions.

As an applicant, you could be requesting protection from family violence, but you would not want the other party to be forced out of the family home. Maybe you want the other person to be excluded, but you don't want them to lose contact with their children.

If you're a respondent, you might want to accede to complete the final order if you need to collect certain goods from the family home. You may also want to keep in touch with the applicant regarding child care arrangements.
You must understand what you're attempting to accomplish as an applicant or respondent. The best family lawyers in Melbourne will talk to you about the best method to attain your goal.

Allow your lawyer to speak for you.

When your case is in court, it may seem natural to you to respond to any questions the magistrate may offer. So, allow your intervention order lawyer Melbourne to represent you. If your lawyer needs your advice on a specific topic, they will discreetly approach you and ask for your reply. Then it's up to your lawyer to present that material to the magistrate.

Of course, if you have anything relevant and vital to tell your affordable family lawyers Melbourne, you should wait for a break in the procedures to get their attention and present them with that information.

Family violence intervention orders can have a lot of ramifications. You must get professional legal guidance to guide you through the procedure. Hire an intervention order lawyer Melbourne who will work hard to get the results you desire.


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