What Are Conciliation Conferences in Family Law?


All family law disputes are handled by the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (except matters under the Family Court of Western Australia).

With the help of family law specialists Melbourne, this Court encourages parties to resolve their problems through Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Parties can work out their differences outside of Court in a less combative, less expensive and less time-consuming manner. ADR's most common examples include: 

1. Mediation

2. Family Dispute Resolution (FDR)

3. Arbitration

4. Conciliation 

5. Lawyer-assisted Negotiation

What Is a Conciliation Conference?

A Conciliation Conference is a type of mediation that takes place in a courtroom. This implies that the conference is conducted by a Registrar of the Court, who acts as a judicial officer with the authority to issue orders. In such instances, it is important to take the help of family law lawyers Melbourne.

The Registrar is impartial to both parties and is there to assist you in reaching your parenting and/or financial agreements. The Registrar's goal is to assist you in exploring possibilities for resolving your case without resorting to judicial action. The Registrar can record a Conciliation Conference's agreed conditions of settlement, and these terms can then be formalized into binding court orders.

The purpose of a Conciliation Conference is for both sides to make a sincere effort to reach an agreement. This necessitates both sides to take a pragmatic approach and attend in a cooperative attitude.

Preparations Required for a Conciliation Conference

To have the best opportunity of reaching an agreement with your ex-partner during the Conciliation Conference, you and your former partner need to prepare thoroughly. Making a disclosure is an important step to take. Court staff will tell you what you need to do if the Court orders a Conciliation Conference. You must include all necessary information in your application. If you do not, the Court may make a more favorable decision for the opposite party.

The parties must exchange documents promptly to be considered (at least two days before the conference). The complexity of your financial situation affects the sort of conciliation conference document you need to present.

Hire affordable family lawyers Melbourne, and let them handle your case!


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