Roles of Family Law Attorney in Different Types of Divorce Cases

The word "divorce" does not associate with any happy memories. It is a legal term for separation between two legally married individuals. People start a relationship with a lot of good things in mind. Some relationships are like fairy tales, lasting for a long time.

Some relationships lose their track, and then partners become separated. For a legal separation, it is crucial to file a divorce petition. Before that, you need to know about different types of divorce cases. Nevertheless, you should also understand the roles of family law specialists Melbourne in such cases.

Types of Divorce Cases

So, what are the different types of divorce cases? You can find the answer in the following section of this article.

1. Uncontested Divorce Cases

When you and your partner agree to divorce each other on a mutually accepted agreement, such cases are known as uncontested divorce cases. This is the most hassle-free method of legal separation. It causes lesser mental stress and financial expenses for both parties. For an uncontested divorce case, lawyers play the most crucial role.

They actually work as mediators in such cases. They negotiate the separation terms, child custody, alimony and other crucial things. Their negotiation skills make both parties agree to accept separate terms and conditions. You need to find the best family lawyers in Melbourne for an uncontested divorce.

2. Contested Divorce Cases

When two people do not accept certain terms and conditions for legal separation, they go for contested divorce cases. Before you move on to such divorce cases, you need to think twice. Such divorce cases potentially involve a lot of expenses.

Nevertheless, you have to endure mental stress during the phases of contesting the case. If you think your partner wants to deprive you of your rights to children or property, you should go for a contested divorce. You need a good lawyer to get your rights ratified by the court.

3. Collaborative Divorce

In this type of divorce case, couples can settle the case outside the court. Both parties have lawyers who negotiate different terms and conditions. After negotiation, a mutual agreement has been crafted. Both parties have to make some compromises to settle the issues.

Therefore, the agreement between the parties largely depends on the negotiation skills of the lawyers. A collaborative divorce team has been formed with lawyers from both ends. Apart from lawyers, the team may include financial experts, parenting specialists, etc.

4. Summary Divorce

Disputes between two persons would not arise when they are in a short-term relationship. In a short-term relationship, couples do not have joint debts, children, etc. As a result, there are lesser things to be negotiated. For such divorce cases, the assistance of a specialist attorney is crucial. Your lawyer shall guide you to follow the right steps for concluding the separation.

In all the divorce cases mentioned above, the role of the intervention order lawyer Melbourne is crucial. You need to find someone with experience to provide you with the right guidance.C


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