How Hiring a Qualified Lawyer Eases Your Case for Divorce

Divorce is the legal action partners take to terminate their marriage formally. The breakdown of a wedding can be a challenging and emotional experience. Hence, hiring the best divorce lawyers in Melbourne is vital to make the divorce process as simple as possible so you can focus more on your comeback.

How long does a divorce take?

In Australia, the couple should stay for over a year separately before they can apply for a divorce. Once the court grants a divorce, it will take one month and one day to complete. The day after finalization, you can access the divorce order through the Commonwealth Courts Portal.

Filing the divorce application form

Register at the Commonwealth Courts Portal and submit your divorce application or engage a solicitor to file the case. Since both parties are willing to divorce, you can apply either a ‘joint application’ with your spouse or a ‘sole application’ where just one person applies.

Swearing the application to a lawyer

Once your divorce application form is complete, you must swear or affirm the form in the presence of an authorized person. Depending on the relevant legislation in your state or territory, that official person can vary before choosing a person to witness your signature.

There are many steps involved, and if your spouse is unwilling to get a divorce, you could have plenty of paperwork and court visits to do. So, it is better to hire a top divorce lawyer while you heal from these emotional developments.

In Australia, marriage is regulated by the Marriage Act 1961 (Cth) (the Act). A couple must follow the rules outlined in the Act to have a legally recognized marriage regardless of their caste, nationality, and status.,

An authorized celebrant conducts the ceremony, and the couple must register the marriage with the government. When they meet these requirements, their marriage is legal in Australia. At times of divorce, it is more convenient to hire a Pakistan divorce lawyer or any other country lawyer to fight your case so far as financial commitments, child custody, property settlements or any other issues are concerned.

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